There's been so much drama and the month JUST started. But as usual the drama is revolving around someone or specifically what that person did. The newest drama is that JocelynTheWolf came back. (Unfortunately) This person has done you know some weird ass stuff. WHY WON'T THEY STAY OF THE PLATFORM⁉️-
But what I think is fuck up is her/their shouts. Now even I said that they should stop seeking attention, which isn't as bad as the rest of shouts. There's a 90% that her shouts is filled with one sentence. "Go Kill Yourself" now I also absolutely despise her, but even tho this person is kinda sketch, telling someone to end their life might be worse. I once had a friend whom was depressed. Someone in my school said that they should kill themselves...and that's what he did. He was like a brother to me, but I Lost him because of one sentence.
So please everyone, think about what you are saying because that could have a devastating impact on the person.
And remember, report,block,ignore.