1 year ago

i want to create an account but it says:E-mail has already been taken,i tried again but didnt work,i had an account before and used the same E-mail,does that account still exist and thats why this keep appearing or there is something i can do to fix it?



Next up

"a ya"

- @Master11677 después de darse cuenta que vive en un ano

me encanta el humor q tienen😭😭

esta es la última chicos lo juro

el momento mas importante llego..


La mas muerta del grupo

El fósil del grupo

La MAS inactiva


❤ DONTFORGET - March 2024 Mini Status Update ❤

(Read inside for the latest information on v2.8.0's development, including an update regarding our release plans, and a sneak peek at what we're working on!)

ptm me descubrieron

❤ DONTFORGET - April 2024 Progress Report ❤

(Read inside for a status update on v2.8.0, featuring a showcase of the new party member system, a look at the new magic system, two new character reveals, and more!)

c.ai being like gamejolt right now💀



Harlow Doodle :D

me aburri de tomar fotos

voy a parar o me seguirán diciendo chismoso xdxd