-I want to return the time when I had friends :) ...
Next up
-So I decided to do Glam-Rock Freddy,in pony town, and it turned out crooked as usual :/
-wow how long have i slept?
and so thanks for 39 subscribers :)
ENG: returned to Fallout Equestria a few years later :)
RUS: спустя несколько лет вернулся в Фоллаут Эквестрию :)
ENG; wow, already 100 followers, thank you all very much uwu
RUS: ух ты,уже 100 фолловеров,спасибо всем большое uwu
-пока мы создаем игру,держите милый постер этими милашками UWU (на арте: Уильям АФтон,Майк Шмидт,Джереми Фицджеральд,Скотт Коутон(фон гай)
ENG: - I just want to thank.. our beloved Scott for giving us such a wonderful childhood.. we all love you very much Scott and the memory of you will never die..
see you on the back side..
Bandana Dee the Dream Friend
Check out this scifi scene by Jason Kwak!
#3dart #npbr #scifi #cyberpunk #environment #office #computers
Just a Pico sprite