I was actually not joking when in previous post i said about character beeing Madness Combat+Hello Kitty. Here's referenses i used.
Next up
Sup! Just wanted to clarify that I'm White Raven Works! (READ ARTICLE)
VERSION 1.15.1 IS OUT!!! Significant content update that includes Bossfight and tease for the future locations!
VERSION 1.15.1 IS OUT!!! Both Mac and Linux versions avalible. Visit new areas, face new enemies and fight new boss in this massive update!!!
forgot to post this here.... lmao
If any GJ devs wanna make friends then i'm kinda open. It has been so long since i met new people here :3
Beware the forest's mushrooms...
old temporary asset VS new version of a castle what do you think?
Finale for my comic is done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq00zlMFAdU&ab_channel=MEVKA