Granny: The Mall

30 days ago

I wish the haters could see me now. I laugh at their comments with a nice cup of cocoa every morning.

No machine can stop me, And i've been waiting weeks to say this, The last stage of development is in progress (Gamemodes & final fixes) then we release!!



Next up

A little update on development so far...

- Soundtrack added

- Trophies added

- Improved FPS/Performance by modifing some camera settings

- Enemies can open doors

- Lighting has been fully baked.


One of the first Enemy Tests for the game. Since there will be a lot of chases I wanted to get a head start on the ai. It's pretty neat and a lot better than the ones before.

I plan to release a demo somewhere in the middle of next month.

It's confirmed. (W.I.P.)

Because my great man Andi has been talented at creating NMM mods for the granny trilogy, He is helping me create Nightmare mode for GTM!

My scripts and programming have paid off, NM is confirmed to be in V1.0, As a difficulty.

Compared to The Lost Update, The New Object System is a lot better...Almost.

I'm currently fixing:

- Item Text Appear/Disappear

- Button Indicators.

- Puzzle Compadibilty for each item.

- Fixing Slendrina's positions.

- Some other issues

- Gamemodes.

What do you think is happening here?

(Showing another leak just like the new one below many didn't notice.)

I'm already finished with every gamemode except this one. It's the only thing left that's holding me from creating an APK, and i'm waiting for Andi to finish some late textures while i fix an odd bug with the fog and esculator collision.

Heya Everyone! Back with more info on the upcoming fanmade update for the GTC Fanmade V1.1 Update. So much has already changed!

AI's mostly complete, More foliage is around to give the abandoned feeling, and many new improvements to the menu and player.

First looks at the remade menu.

Stupid Bugs!

(Granny's current AI, Along with the struggle button are a work in progress.)

Day 4 of my current progress. Slendrina's Mother now wakes up and breaks free from her imprisonment after completing this puzzle.

Then something else happens...