Especially how in my opinion Amy rose and princess peaches characterisation has pissed me off
for example in the Mario movie peach isn’t displayed as the damsel and the princess who likes to bake and does girlie things and very much acts like how I think princess daisy acts (who is my favourite Mario character) even one of my friends agreed that peach is Abit weird you could say that she can do all these girlie things and still be strong (which tbh I think is good thing) idk how to explain it
and Amy isn’t safe from this either in my personal opinion I do not like how she’s being handled in the games frontiers (from what I’ve seen) has annoyed me with how they’re trying to say “she isn’t a damsel anymore” SHE NEVER WAS she gets kidnapped twice but amy is a character who has proved can hold her own she was never made to be a hero she’s just a girl living a normal life who happens to know sonic and the others and gets involved her whole arc in sa1 was about her learning to not rely on others for help and she even desires to have adventure in that game GUYS SHE HAS THE SAME ARC IN FRONTIERS WTFFFFF except she wants to spread love around the world which is a nice thing but girl how, no offence to Ian Flynn but writing Amy as a girlboss is not the way because in my personal opinion she was a girlboss in sa1 because she’s a compassionate girl who is very vocal about how much she appreciates and loves people and now she’s that’s being taken away sega you can’t have Amy be vocal about her love for sonic and then say that it’s a secret and have her just not express herself and her love/admiration for sonic (look at the sonic generation cutscenes for reference) having her offer him cupcakes is nice but when you know why it’s being done it rubs you the wrong way
guys you don’t need to write women as strong and independent which is a very (negative but it works for some) stereotype for women in media now they can still have that impact if they’re very openly feminine
(if you can’t tell by now I’m abit of a feminist like can we please stop using female characters in media as prizes, objects to sexualise and just have them be ordinary people I’d say a good example of this is splatoon none of its female characters fit into stereotypes and they are all they’re own people (and gay if your pearl and marina)
thank you for coming to my tedtalk uhh be nice and note that this is all my opinion you can disagree
id recommend these videos to get more of an idea about what I mean