5 months ago

if ever


If someday this fnaf fan game comes out and I do a full walkthrough and the video gets not 400K as it is now, but 1 Lam, then I will eat the house


Если когда нибудь эта фнаф фан игра выйдет и сделаю полное прохождение и ролик наберёт не 400К как сейчас а 1 Лям то я съем дом



Next up

Aboba 1 Deltarune

a meme with Dr.Gonden

It looks like Simba really hacked me. This is not a joke

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

NoelIe decided to work as a security guard at Freddy Fazbear Pizza (with fnaf 2) and took a box from the dark world lol (art by CheburekXD)


Although I don't play Genshin Impact, I'm glad that I'm testing a fan game related to my subject. (BMC ECM is already being done)

(Read articles)

Company Notice

Dev Nights series (which part is missing?)