Don't Step On Freddy's Balls: Forever (aka balls 3)
3 years ago

Ik this game might be dead but, better late than never, i finally made a nerf patch for the game.


  • Fixes a few bugs

  • Ghost Weedman and Shadow Weedman are nerfed when only one weed is left in day 2

  • The theif takes less time to deal with in both day 3 and day 5

  • The objective in day 3 has been reduced to 1300$ instead of 2500$

  • Nightmare cannot move if nightmare freddy is already in the office in day 6/custom day and vice versa and no one else can move if any of them are trying to attack

I hope this makes the game less unfair than it was before and more accessible, i just hope more people is able to beat the game and that people can at least beat 6/20 at once.



Next up

Quick gameplay screenshot of the game or smth, still a work in progress.

Great Value Game.

Tfw balls 2's anniversarry is in a few days and you don't know what to do.

One last post for today. (sorry for the notification, i felt i had to do it)

Let's see what my gps says


#GJAsks This absolute peak of a game (i never played it)

Ya know what, here’s another teaser for II.V (that fnas fan game i’m working on) cause i’m cool.