6 months ago

ik yall gon prob hate me for this but idgaf :3

um anyways

Flo Rida - Whistle (jiafei remix)

#jiafei #whistle #johnhutcherson #meme #memes #remix #music

(ik it sounds shit cus this is my first time doing jiafei remixes but dont be mad pls:( )



Next up

gm yall (stuck in an exam hall)

fuck I haven’t posted since forever

sick af anyway how are yall

#meme #memes

pride month

science spelled backwards is "ecneics". an ecneice was a device used by #pagans to summon satin himself to brianwash children and turn them into literal sheep!!!!!!! dese pagans were called "syantasts",,

#maga #flatearth #meme #memes

So, what's up?

gm (posting this before I go to the hell known as school)

#meme #memes

accidentally dyed my braces after eating too much lemon throat lozenges help

VERY IMPORTANT!! Do you like this song? Do you think it's catchy?

just saw Nicki minaj going live, apparently she's getting arrested for “drugs”

tf is going on