So- for the past 3 years...I've been trying to tell my parents I'm ace! And today I finally told- my father. Told him who I was and explained to him how I've been feeling. I asked him do you guy's still accept me and love me? And he said he would always love me and so would my mother and sisters! And family members! He just told be who I want to be and always talk to him or my mother if I'm ever feeling down or have questions... of course I cried- but I'm just so happy rn. Both of my sisters said their proud of me. And my mom said she is always gonna love me as well! I'm just so happy- I didn't expect them to accept me...
But now! I feel much better and now I feel like I can talk to them more about things!
And I want to say thank you to all my friends to encouraged me to talk to my parents! You are all the best!
But anyways! Thank you for reading this! And have a wonderful day/night! Goodbye stars! 🌟