Box It !

4 years ago

Image processing at the service of Daltonism!

A year ago we discovered post processing (image processing) in video games. Today we are discovering its usefulness to make "Box It!" accessible to the large part of the population suffering from daltonism. It is true that it is hardly possible to realize to see differently from what we see nowadays. Here are a few examples of what some people can see in their daily lives!

#handicap #colorblindness #mobile #android #free #freeToPlay #unity



Next up

Image processing at the service of Daltonism!

Spacer Project Beta version available now !

Award on Amiens Challenge Campus competition

Alpha 0.4.85:

DevLog #6: Major updates to prepare Beta version

Spacer Project Trailer Available on Youtube !

Thoses #interactions works great ! Lot of interactions will be available in future realisations ! #unity3d #ConfinementJour54 #indiedev #IndieGameDev #gamedev

Updating presentation to Spacer Project !

Alpha 0.4.65: