Dark Sheldon Times 2
1 month ago

Images will be added soonish



Next up

omg guys whats happening

The Holy Brisket.

I'm probably going to make a page for the second game soon maybe

DARK SHELDON'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY WAS 2 DAYS AGO I FORGOT.... Uhhh as compensation have more screenshots of the second game (Again, none of this is final)

Quick update for those who haven't forgotten about this, I am working on a second game, BUT, it is probably not coming anytime soon (will probably release later this year tho), since it's going to be bigger than the previous game (Title is still a wip)

Wowza, brisket yummy

(Camera layout is not final)

Another house i made long time ago.

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Some Shadow boss fight gameplay 👾

Ladies & gentlemen.. The Blender logo factory! I had a ton of un making this animation. I'll be making a short tutorial on picking up/dropping object in Blender for animations next week! What do you think?

What Are You Doing In My Swamp!?

Now spruce forest monsters can vomit forest shields, but Brutal Castle will not stop!

#gamedev #pixelart #indie