I'd like to introduce "Five Nights At Freddy's:FAZBEAR COLLECTION" a remake of the first 6 fnaf games wich is being made with the intentions to bring the best out of these games while still keeping the fazbear image this is in collboration with @Boris_ @BAM-Studios @Glazberstudios @LazyDgamer @izanfetus @GrandMiguelito
and @CoopDiesel118 more will be revealed later down the line stay tuned and enjoy (also thanks to glazbear for the new heading and thumbnail)
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Teaser 6
nah i said fnati is good @web125546 's and he blocked me thas crazy when ur games looks likes this
@Queasy @TheLovelyLoXo
what happened to this game
how it feels to be forgotten?
Rat Race Production Update
did not expect yall to vote for pizza sim now i can only reveal one character cause if i showed any other's it'd be too much anyway heres lefty another character will be revealed soon but for now its just him sorry for low quality fucking gj compression
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