(On hold) Five Nights At Creator's: The Warehouse
1 year ago

Important news, Read article!

Hey guy's, I've got some bad-ish news, If you have noticed the last update was like 2 months ago now, and that's because I've been slowly losing motivation to work on this game.

I really want to make this game, but in my opinion what I want to make is just too much for me...

Now this doesn't mean I'm not going to update this game ever, I will, just whenever I actually feel like it...

Don't lose hope though, lately I've been working on a very cool sequel to "Samir956 punching simulator", it's going to be an RPG inspired by Undertale.

As of now I've done some battle sprites and the game thumbnail, the game page is also up but it's unlisted as of right now.

Thank you for reading this, once again, Five Nights at Creator's: The Warehouse is not cancelled, yet... The development has just greatly slowed. (It doesn't help that I've been grounded for using my phone and my computer, I've been on my phone during the night which is also when I'm writing this).

With all that said, thank you for understanding and have great day / night.



Next up

Working on this lil thing, remade Undertale battle system from scratch, it's not perfect but I'm working on it. This is ofc WIP.

Here's an early design for the office

One week, Two outcomes

Where Is Fangame Direct 2?

Got like 9H on the office alone lol, can't wait for more.

long night

I hope some people remember this masterpiece...

Undertale: Vs MidaGames page is up!

Go follow!

BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

Who's that Sussy guy on the left there 💀