Context (You may skip this part if you're in a hurry):
You may or may not already know, but I am the Co-Creator of the Growing Artist Aggregation and I help out with featuring and overseeing the content within it, as the Creator has been inactive for some time.
I've noticed some channels that are underutilized, redundant, or weirdly categorized, as well as channels that could be added to help boost views on posts that could otherwise be drowned out in the general category.
I've listed notable changes and the reasonings behind my choices below.
"Commissions and Advertising" a NEW CHANNEL has been added.

I understand that many of you are trying to advertise your services. To assist, this channel was created for any adverts about commissions or other art-related services!
Both the "Collaborations" and "Art From Your Games" channels have been archived.

The former was archived due to underuse.
The latter was archived due to redundancy. Any art from games is welcome on any channel that represents the piece's type, like 3D Art and Pixel Art!
Other changes:
"Art Related Posts" and "Art Contests!" have been renamed to "Art Talk" and "Art Contest Postings" respectively.

More of a personal change than anything, but it is also to encourage everyone to put their creations into a more specific Channel to clean things up!
Channels have been shifted so that more community-oriented ones are at the top.
That way everyone can access it without scrolling as far down.
Rules and descriptions have been updated for clarity.
Do not hesitate to comment under this post if you'd like to raise any concerns about the changes, or have other feedback you'd like to share (like requesting art for channel banners). It would really help out a lot!
Thank you for taking the time to read, have a wonderful day. Go forth and create something awesome!