Bard's Lesson
6 years ago

Inclusiveness Maintenance!

Hey, hello there! With all the great feedback you guys gave me through the issue tracker we added lots of fixes and also a new approach to the tutorial session, which is now a key binding setup!


Now the player can setup its own bindings in order to make the best layout to play the piccolo. By default they are set to Z, X and C, so you can skip the tutorial SMASHING THAT SPACEBAR without worries. We redesign this part of the tutorial due to a report we have, it didn’t ever passed through us that people may have different keyboards and preferences, so thankfully to this you are now free to set your own combination of keys to have a better experience!

More Fixes!

Also, apart from that, we fixed other minor bugs, which include:

  • Player freezing when spamming piccolo and moving (#1)

  • Tutorial reloading the next screen if the finish button was spammed(#2)

  • Character walking automatically when the game gets the browser focus on Chrome (#6)

  • Piccolo sound looping if the player skips the tutorial in the middle of the piccolo sound sample (#11)

  • Player character not falling if playing the piccolo after falling from a cliff (#12)

And many other minor fixes such as some screen flickering when loading :)

Keep up the support!

Thank you so much for the report, guys! We hope the game is more enjoyable now with those fixes. Also, don’t forget to check the roadmap and if you like any proposal to features an improvement, dont think twice, tip the project so that we can work on the new features.

That’s it. Keep developing and until the next time!



Next up

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

I was bored, so... ManutKat.

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

Just a Pico sprite

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

New Teasers!

ooh yes..

Hey you, rookie! Yes, I am talking to you!! Come over here? Relax! Just stick to me and everything will be fine. By the way, my name is James Varhuher, but you can call me Big J. I will bring you up to speed.