Redemption Denied

3 years ago

Info on the main character, Robin!

(Credit to @As_Nodt and @Moufen , Moufen gave references/tips for the body and As Nodt made the majority of the players head, thank you both)

I'll be making little info cards/slides about people, places, and things in RD's world, and releasing them maybe every day or so. Tell me if you like this format of lore dumps or not, I wanna know.



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Protective Systems Inc RPL-22 Vest Product Description Readout

on a serious note aside from yesterdays prank, who’s gonna be interested in a little demo imma make with sw2, basically just showing y’all what rd would play like/be somewhat like when it’s finished as a full game one day.

hey there! as you know from the last post, rd is basically on hiatus for now, but as a special treat for yall and so people have just a bit more closure, i've uploaded the last updated alpha build that i have on my computer for people to play here.

new tarkov style game in progress

made in TW using my engine flashback 2


it snowed a fuck ton last night where I live and I got to fuck around in the snow today

also krita is a good program and it makes my corroded caveman brain slow it’s regression slightly

new stuff added to this project i stole clouds from someone in d7, like this post right now. thnx

this is the desaturated version, tell me in the comments if i should resaturate it

absence of a human

He Is Coming

rd gameplay concept/demo progress lol

hud face: @Kneebones

Yall probably thought I stopped working on this game like 2 weeks ago, well, you were so wrong lol. Multiplayer alpha will be available tomorrow, for few weeks, I'll even add voice chat.

been a while