3 years ago

Inktober 2021 Day 8: Watch

I decided to draw the Watchmen while I was at it. I excluded Nite Owl. #inktober2021 #inktober #inktober2021day8 #inktober2021day8watch #watchmen



Next up

I completed a new set of random drawings. This includes a very important political message. #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme #ReleaseCoyoteVAcme #SaveCoyoteVsAcme #LeakCoyoteVsAcme #FIREDAVIDZASLAV #Possum #dragon #dog #Muttley #Duck #FanArtFriday #fanart

A drawing I made for one of my art friends. I drew one of his characters for the first time in a long time. The character I drew before him was Journey. I gave him a Green Lantern shirt because he likes the color green. #GreenLantern #green #human

#Rabbit #Cat #Graduation #HighSchoolGraduation

A drawing I made to commemorate my high school graduation.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

Happy birthday, to me! Charcoal and Clawson were gifted Mickey Mouse dolls to celebrate Mickey Mouse's entrance into the public domain. #mickeymouse #rabbit #cat #rabbit #birthday #birthdaycard

Tonight's The Homies VC session

I drew a picture of Bacchus from Disney's Fantasia. Fantasia is one of my favorite animated films. I decided to draw something human.

#Disney #Fantasia #Greek #God #Bacchus #Roman #Fanart

Great news! 2024-05-23

I'm graduating high school! Not only that, but production on my comic book can finally move forward. I have an iron-clad script, sketching began, I got a new laptop, and I have a logo drawn.

ole faves from Swordtember '22
