4 years ago

Inside Fobi's Cafe...

08:49 am...

*Fobi waiting for customers,shadow sipping his coffee*

*Yellow SLAMS the door,nerveously*

Yellow: H-Hey guys! C-can i stay with y-yall for a b-bit? Hehehhe...


Shadow:Fobi can you turn on the TV? I want t-

Yellow: NO!! H- i m-mean- LETS NOT!...Please..?

*Fobi Turns the TV on*

Fobi:The hecks wrong with you today..?,

News Reporter: Today a massive traffic crash has accured in Sunrise City,it is said that a random citizen ran right infront of a car,cauzing it to take a sharp turn,resulting in a crash. 14 cars were damaged but luckly no one was badly harmed.

Shadow: *sigh* It's 9 in the morning.. What idiot could've cause such a wreck in 9 IN THE MORNING...

Reporter: The witnesses describe the reckless runner as a yellow hedgehog with... ''funny'' hair.

*Shadow and Fobi turn to Yellow very slowly*

Yellow: Hehhehhhhh.... I'm screwed aren't i..?







Next up

Look yall im not hating, this game is probably fire but why does homie look like a Walmart Exclusive Smiling Critter? 😭🙏

Riders # 1 - @Silentfaith

A bunch of Old FNAS stuff i never got to post on GJ

Happy Halloween!

now give meh your candy.

MUGEN - Custom Intros for Sonic (Base) + Bonus

teh moosik but colour

WIP 7 - Battle Gamma - W o m b o .

Wheel Pairing Drawings 4-6

Omnipresent but cool people sings it

not a cover and never will be, i also made this cause i was bored

DR:CS 2 - The Complete Cast