The two new locations have been meticulously crafted by yours truly and you can now explore them at your own leisure!
- First is the Sunken Plaza, which can be accessed after the Sandmound. Previously a beautiful garden, now flooded with water and mercenaries - the highlight of the place, is, however, the entrance to...
- LOWER DRACONIA! That's right! You can now enter the eponymous dungeon itself! Become entangled in the many schemes brewing in the ruined castle and meet the legendary king Gavinrad himself... or, at least, what remains of his majesty.
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Many a bug has been fixed in this version, too - a big thank you goes out to @MrDanielBoi and @LinkIncGames
for finding some grievous bugs in the game. DanielBoi also made two streams where he braves through Draconia - you can (and should!) watch them here:
And now, for the bugs and their fixes:
Added a dude before camp Stra-Tac to warn you on whether or not you're strong enough for the place.
Fixed the missing tiles during battle in the cell block of Stra-Tac.
Fixed the passability gap in the tutorial.
You can now configure the names for the Air Elemental, Giant Rat, Balrog and Dunstan.
You can now ask Flick in the beginning "Who am I?".
Removed the Paralysis backfiring effect because it crashed the game.
In the fight with Olga you're now forced to play as the first party member instead of having the ability to choose the member to fight her.
The bug with the trophies have been fixed - previously when you logged in you obtained all the achievements that I had because of the "gjdata" file remaining in the folder - now it's not there and the trophies should be working fine!
Changed the icon of the Cursed Spear from a goofy-looking fork to a slightly weird spear.
Changed the icon of the Magic Sword so that now it looks less barbed.
The Strange Skull now displays the needed amount of EXP to level up along with your current EXP.
You can now have a deer as an animal companion! It's under the "ruminant" category.
Shambling Mounds previously dealt Piercing damage, now they deal Bludgeoning damage, as it should be.
Added many monsters that were previously missing from the Bestiary to it.
Added treasure caches in the Sandmound to encourage exploring it a bit more past the fights.
Manticores no longer have the Strike Fear skill.
Added more item interactions in the Caves.
Fixed the improper stealing animation for the Steel Helm in the magic pools.
Jasmine no longer sells Healing Balms until you get enough reputation with Endstad's folks.
Strikes made with Blessed Bolts are considered magic attacks now.
Alice now properly rewards you with a Ressurection Scroll upon progressing her quest.
You can no longer accidentaly hit yourself with your own attack.
Ross in the tavern now drops a Ring of Protection.
The Piercers in the Old Mine can no longer kill you when they drop on you - they'll probably still reduce you to 1 HP, though!
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The ruler is the boat, the people are the water which may bear the ruler up or capsize him as they choose.