Project Collision

5 years ago

Introducing: Paletin


Calm down, this is indeed NOT a character but one of our developers, we decided that it was time to introduce our team to you guys so you know who to blame for what are we able to do as a team.

Paletin the First

Everything begun out of the desire to have one certain character in Smash Bros, I tried modding but it was kinda limited for what I wanted to do, so I reached out a group of friends to help with the project, the game took shape surprisingly fast and it´s still going.

As for myself I´m a 22 year old guy, making videos in my spanish youtube channel along side working on the project, I animate, do art and desings for the game, alongside being in charge of most of the sprites.

As the director of the game, I´m always open to include new people, ALWAYS, doing stages and sprites mostly but we don´t mind any composer, programmer or anything that could help the project, we want to have the highest quality possible for this project so I hope you´re patient.

We´ve had planned a demo for late 2018 but we decided to do some changes to the engine we currently have, so for the time being we have this devlog to reach out to as many people as possible and generate a bit of hype for the game.

We hope many of you want to participate on the project If you have any experience with sprite art and also as a regular player and follower :) and then again have patience, the demo doesn´t have a launch date but it´s slated for this year. next time comes a regular update on the game but we hope you liked something diferent.
Thanks for reading it all, and see you next week.

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