1 year ago


New channel?



Next up

2 More!

They're gone, but I kept a few: D

I opened over a month and a half worth of sticker packs to ONLY get 16 of these stickers

Do you feel the Christmas already? Or you are still thinking about Halloween? Nevertheless the Thanksgiving is coming this week<3 Don't forget to add our game to Steam wishlist https://store.steampowered.com/.../Dr_Livingstone_I_Presume/

I stop seeing messages for a couple of hours and this happens to me

okay small new game is up https://i-will-probably-die.itch.io/just-like-run-fast you can play it here.

gonna take some time off so I can learn Godot so don't expect much in content for a little while.


Box pushing game is finished can you beat the dev speedrun record of 2min and 48sec?

I think it's time to see the pending messages, right?