1 month ago

Is it bad that I have a stalker? (No, I'm not joking... She literally was just following me between my first and second period with a smirk on her stupid fucking face)



Next up

Red Alert!! Red Alert!!! 🚨🚨🚨

Jocelyn is back again!!! We just banned him!!! DRAGONS!!!! ATTACK!!!!

I hope bro's being truthful, because if not I'm ready to crash tf out

21 community members let's go!!!

For the people who need it. I've been through it and the light will come soon. Trust me on that. This song helped me get through my 9th grade year...

Song: Lullaby by Nickelback

I got bored (Also ignore how moody I was being)

Just a little reminder that you are perfect just the way you are and you deserve to be in this world!! Keep being wonderful my little stars! ⭐️💕

How I be feeling rn when my dad tells me to do stuff and I feel like shit

Bored so here, go crazy and I'll look/respond later

me watching all of my friends turning into cyn simps while I just wait for hope in this realty

Well well well, looks like someone wants a head on match... You know your drama isn't over right? You can't just wait it out...

That's right, I'm talking to you @JocelynTheWolfishere

Stop, just stop please, your drama will be over if you stay gone