I honestly forgot the Christmas hat and added it last second haha-
I have so much art, all WIPs, to get posted at some point (hopefully)
Is it Christmas time already?
I honestly forgot the Christmas hat and added it last second haha-
I have so much art, all WIPs, to get posted at some point (hopefully)
1) ive found lots, His Empire of Dirt is my favourite (don't judge me till you've finished it, cried for a week after)
3) dude, wtf am I gonna do about that
fuck if i know, i'm like the 3 things they hate (lesbian, female, autistic)
Wishing you all very merry Joltidays ❄️
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i would kill for some stollen with a cuppa earl grey right now
THERE'S ONE WEEK LEFT TO ENTER JOLTIDAY GIVEAWAYS to win a Steam Deck, Game Jolt swag and more!
Get instructions in your Quest Log! 🎁
1) that's a whole lotta binary. too bad im not translating it
2) i wish
What games are you looking forward to playing this year?
1) okay
2) my brother in christ, that's not much better
I mean fucking hell, how can you have pride in your country and make that your entire deal, i don't get it <- is British