1 year ago

It begins...

I have released the first installment of Five Hellos at Hi's, I hope it is at least an ok game but I think it is pretty ok personally

I dont really know if it would be 100% considered a Fnafb game but it basically is but it just only has my terrible OCs and occasionally a character from something else

If anyone does actually want to play it then please tell me if it is good or bad or what I could maybe make better or not in the next game I make I would really like to know

And yes I am aware that it is probably looks awful but I hope that it is at least considered ok by anyone who plays it


I dont know how to put the link to it here correctly but it is on my profile and or just look up Five hellos at Hi's and it should be there sorry



Next up

I actually finished something

(If anyone would be interested in playtesting a very cursed game then message me here or on my account page)


Update 2.1

Does anyone have anything they think could be better balanced/redone to this to make it better?

(I may or may not make another update eventually if so)

Possibly new games soon maybe


Git Gud screen but nobody is there free to use

Newspaper from the start but nobody is there free to use

I made a new game


(Possibly help maybe wanted)