3 days ago

It's a Nightmare Below Disney reference?



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A friend of amino has this from title in he's profile 🦆

Ravewald, DJ Donny and Willy

Legacy characters part 1

Does anyone else remember this version? No?... We made a sticker pack for it anyway! Celebrate June by collecting stickers of the FNaTI 5.0 models! Get them before the month ends...

Limited edition icon got it

I learned how to color!


Legacy characters collage

Small Update (06/29/2024) we forgot them

Random fact of me, in my old draws i always counts Corruptus, True Mickey, Myster Mouse, Cactus Kid, Decimated Mickey, Slester, Ortensia, Willy and Impure Mouse like a canon characters in a time when the destiny of Fnati was unknown