Sonic.exe Dark Times

3 years ago

It's been a while since last announcement, so I want to shout out some important information, but before that...

As you know, this game was exe from the start, because the plot of game heavily inspired by exes (And my disappointment on Forces). I started Dark Times as game in 2018 and it changes every time as I change as a person and as a developer/writer/artist/etc.
I was bounded with exe and exe community almost from the start and saw everything, I think. I saw "exe renaissance" as I call it. I saw bad things, I saw good things. I have some kind of respect to exes. It's part of my life and that'll never change.
But my game needs to move on.
I don't want you to call me some sort of traitor or something... I want to tell original story with my vision. I want to give a gameplay that no one forget. And I want to give that to more people. Exe community is not so big as Sonic community, sadly. And exes always won't be respected by big part of Sonic community. I hope that'll change someday. Not today, not now...
Dark Times is gone, but origins will never be forgotten.
So I present to you...

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It's been a while, yea?

Game's page have its own header now! Some epicness! Art by me.

Successful landing


Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

Have a good Boi

I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?

In the quest for accessibility, I'm adding Resurrection Shrines for players on the 'novice' end of the platforming spectrum.

In order to unlock the power of a Shrine, you must collect 3 'Souls' from your dead corpses! (the floating blue orbs)

Back in my art school days I used to ride the 710 COPSA line from Parque Del Plata to Montevideo almost everyday. This is the Marcopolo Viaggio G4 Mercedes Benz model from the late 80s, one of the older bus models that was running on the line.

Made my first ever animation.

not the greatest house, but it's a house! :D