5 years ago

It's official. I am searching for voice actors. Here's the list so far.


Andrea Eccardi/@ALEDream__

Krystof Kral/@KrystofKral


Haley Willbanks

Good luck candidates! I can't wait to hear your voices!



Next up

Here's a little sneak peak of the monitor. Hope you guys like it!


You would think this isn't related to the project, but it is. This legend of a woman has inspired the theme for one of my characters and her design. That and I wanted to show off, hehe.






Just wanted to show off a new concept sketch (and isometric art exercise) for the office. It's rough, but it works. I am definitely doing a digital version.

Here's a recreation of the unused staring shot from the first game. Definitely thinking of redoing it later. But it works for now. This was made in Blender 4.0.

Edit: Whoops! I forgot to paste it. Sorry! 😂

After eight years of concepting, I'm happy to say my project is finally coming to life. It's a psychological take on the series influenced by my favorite horror stories, including Silent Hill, The Babadook, and The Witch.

Hey everyone! I updated my Error... teaser yesterday and it'll be up and running. This will be the final remake,but the original and the first remake will live on.

A new year for the project, and with it, my resolution. I didn't really do a lot last year, so I thought, "Why not change that?" That's exactly what I am going to do today.

P.S: Here's a new concept sketch.


Wait. What the Hell is this? What could it possibly mean?

Not necessarily in a special place, but I have it. It has some issues, but I like what it offers so far. A good investment.
