Hi, Samuel Wolfang here.
I’m really sorry, but I think it’s time to unplug. I just got kind of bored of creating games and releasing them to the public. This mean I won’t stop making games. One thing is sure: this game is NOT canceled, and will proceed his developing. But want to say some things:
First of all, this game won’t be here on GameJolt anymore, but will be on my personal website. The .exe and the .mfa files will be completly free and downloadable by everyone. I’m creating right now the HTML page for DrunkTale. I’ll tell you when it’s ready. (My website: http://samuelwolfang.cf)
Second thing, now we play with MY rules. This time there’s no releasing date, and the game will take A REALLY LONG TIME to be made. Why? Simply because I’m lazy and don’t want to work on the game. When the game is done, is done. I’ll maybe tell you some news on Twitter. @samuelwolfang
That’s all I think, I’ll let you know.