Finaly After a whole month of screaming at my computer my game finaly decides to work. If you played my game before it stopped working, than heres the improvement list:
Made a title screen, got the title screen to work (XD), created a HUD including lives and score, created coins, replaced coins with gems, added power-ups (currently just fast and slow), removed majority of enemies due to performance issues, added death screen and restart button (note, other two buttons dont yet work) let me know if there are any bugs or problems.
Soon to be added/fixed:
lvl2, fix the boss not dying, fix the lag caused by attacking the boss, get a scoreboard up and running, get the quit and Submit score buttons working, replace some textures, make the player shoot left when facing left, give the player facing left and right(not just slide around on his arse all day XD) add a login to Gamjolt(basicaly for the scoreboard) and finaly add some trophiesโฆ
i got alot of work to do XD