
6 years ago

Items and Content!

Hello everyone!
No devlog post for a few days as I’ve been ill however back at it now and have eased back in by working on some new content and features for the weapon/item equip system. I hope you enjoyed the cheeky gif of the snowball :)

Today I’ve been adding support for stacked items to be equippable to the equip slots. (previously, only single items worked). The motivation behind item stacks is to allow consumable items to be a feature. That is, items which are single-use, so once thrown/used, the item is gone and deducted from the inventory.

The ItemEquip system itself is the back-end which provides an infrastructure for how that item alters players behaviours. From a technical standpoint, this object is essentially a wrapper which maintains a given state, allowing modification of player animation, spawning of objects, rendering of information (if that is needed); In the case of a consumable item, the itemequip controller will exist so long as there are items left in the stack, meaning for items such as the snowball, we can still provide animation and cooldowns :)

The snowball was a fun little test object I added to simply test the system, it also provides a little bit of lighthearted fun!

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