3 years ago

its just kirb in a blue void nothing to see here.I made this art a long time ago.



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MoRbIUs LeAk

A very quick and silly Kirby doodle I made in Inkscape while experimenting with a tablet setup; thought he was too silly not to share.

I've been using Inkscape for about 15 years, but have never bothered with the tablet features until now.

: Inkscape

ReAl LeAk FoR CHAPTER 3 FOR tHE== NeW SoUnD ClOuD RoUtE He GavE Me These UnFiNiShED aSsEts TrUST Me ItS Real !!!!!!AT 3Am!!!!!!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Kirby!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

I decide to make this edit also I might make a fan made poster for something

Never give me Bomb in Kirby Fighters 2

Things will go nuclear :3

I don't know why I wanted to draw this but here it is