2 years ago

its not 10:30 but...

>lets go @MateusCarvalho590 ,

you´re now Beta user

One Night in the Cellar Beta access key link: https://gamejolt.com/claim/tySHVAzq

Have fun🤩

And comment game bugs in the community:


You‘re now official “ONitC” beta tester

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v0.3.6 Is common soon

👇 Look Article 👇

I Got a challange for you...

best skin gets Reward and gets implomented to the game :))))

don’t ignore

Sorry… v0.3.6 is very very filled with massive gameplay impacting bugs 🐞

So i had to shut the version down…

👇Read Article👇

Mega-bot in blender 🔥🔥🔥