1 year ago

Sorry… v0.3.6 is very very filled with massive gameplay impacting bugs 🐞

So i had to shut the version down…

👇Read Article👇

For the next version of One Night in the Cellar i wanna have some of YOU 🫵 as play tester.

so if you want to become a play tester, just write a comment on THIS post and i will notify you if the next BETA version of the game is released, BUT…

…Make sure to post EVERY bug you find in the game while testing in the Unknown Community in the bugs channel. so i can fix them in a full alpha release version!



Next up

I Got a challange for you...

best skin gets Reward and gets implomented to the game :))))

Where Is Fangame Direct 2?

long night

don’t ignore

Thrown away, torn apart, left forgotten behind walls.