Itsumi-BR teve um pobleminhas na mãos então quem vai vazer Game Player por enquanto vai ser eu Jonata ela vai volta
Itsumi-BR I had a little poem in my hands so I'll be the one to release Game Player for now, Jonata she will come back
Next up
fnf d sides, Mighty Exe sprites are hidden?
fnf d sides, sprites do Mighty Exe são escondidos?
2.002 Wow
2.002 Uau
Drawing for the Interdimensional Beatdrop mod
I made a Newgrounds-themed feed for Bluesky if anyone cares about both of those two things!
a inspiração de fazer a animação foi de @XaneBug
the inspiration to make the animation was from @XaneBug
A poorly made teaser (Vs Gamebanana)
sad reality