Created and teased way back on August 5th, 2018, Jax Justun Studios proudly presents their official #12thJJSmoviePoster showing off their #3rdPCC for the very first time ever!!!! After nearly four years of waiting back then, "Reuben the Pig" has FINALLY had another chance to live once again!! But not in the ways that you all had seen before!!!!! But we'll explain more on details about that later!!!
Speaking of which, like you'd all seen before a few days ago from Ridley's (Riddley's) Movie Teaser Poster, the official name of the official voice actor for Reuben has sadly been blackout/cut off and everything!!!! So we won't go into much details about all of this and everything!!! So as always, we'll be discovering more and more future updates about Reuben and his official voice actor later on in the nearest future!!!! For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates and have a nice and safe summer!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #ReubensBackFromTheMCdead!!!!!!