And wow, look at this one here!!!! It's more detailed then ever!!! Also, what is up with them circles for the background here!???!!! What??? Is it for some code of some sort here??? Well, only time would tell I guess!!! Anyways, speaking of time, sorry to cut this short, but I need to still recover from my sickness and everything!!! Same goes to Jax Justun Studios as well too bros!!! Anyways, that's the last post for today/tonight you guys!!!! See you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!! #TheParodiesAreAlmostHere!!!!!
(H tlzzhnl myvt Ty. Jyhfvsh: Uvcltily adluaf-mpyza, adluaf lpnoallu!!! Zalw vul, jvbua ovd thuf ishjr jpyjslz hyl aolyl!!! Zalw adv, jvbua ovd thuf flssvd jpyjslz hyl aolyl!!! Zalw aoyll, jvbua ovd thuf whpyz vm ishjr huk flssvd jpyjslz aoha hyl jsvzl av lhjo vaoly!!!! Mpuhs zalw, zll ovd thuf nyllu jpyjslz hyl opkklu!!!! Zvscl aopz zalw-if-zalw ypkksl, huk tf ltwfvsllz vusf yvvt dpss vwlu av fvb!!!!)