Because as of right now, Jax Justun Studios isn't looking so great right now!!! Secondly, I've been told that I'll be working next week's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday!!!!! I won't say the hours for those days because they're of course, the same as always!!! So wish me luck!!! Finally folks, it appears that Haxx Hustun Studios had finally created something that wasn't even all that rushed and everything!!!!! It's yet another parody depiction, but for an official and ACTUAL parody character licensed from Jax Justun Studios!!!! Known as the official #14thPCofJJS known as "Mr. Stappular", the #2ndOfficialMallKeeper created by the official voice actor of Mr. Stappular known as "Foundttent Mistickbution"!!!!! Which was way back on this exact day here on September 13th, 2004!!!!!
Which by the way, Mr. Stappular was officially created by the people of Jax Justun Studios back on September 14th, 1990!!!!!! So yeah, try not to get too confused here by them dates here!!!! But anyways you guys, I think that's it for today/tonight and everything!!!!! Oh and another thing, the saying for Mr. Stappular here's a bit strange, but it's the best that Jax Justun Studios would've had done!!! So yeah folks, that's that I guess.......And one more thing before we end for today, YES!!!! For now on, I'll take my time and effort to not rush any of my next future parody projects okay????? And yes, there were a few interesting facts about Mr. Stappular and his past events!!!
So, big props for me I guess........But anyways, once again everybody, be sure to see more future updates created by me when it eventually comes out, please be positively respectful to all parodies of all THREE parody companies, and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #210YearsOfParodyLikeCreations!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #UseYourStaplesWiselyBros!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!
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