Again, these things are not only easy and simple to make, but they're also so cool to look at!!! I mean, the saying for Mr. Sheffinton's parody depiction and everything kind of doesn't really all make that sense, but this now Jax Justun Studios that we're talking about now people!!!!! It's their parody properties of course!!!! And yes folks, Mr. Cheffinton was the very last and #3rdOfficialMallKeeper that was created from Jax Justun Studios around on October 17th, 1994, and was being in parody character development since on this day on September 14th, 2005!!!!! Never to be confused from them dates and everything!!!!
But yeah folks, I think that's it for tonight/today and everything!!! This/That was the #2008thGameJoltPost that I'd made already!!!! And it appears that we'll be finding more info about this #3rdMallKeeper later on in the nearest future!!!! And yes, hope you guys love these things that I've been making so far here!!! But anyways, I'll see you all next time and have a safe and wonderful goodnight sleep!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #MallKeepersOfJJS!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!!!