The Official and actual #JJSparodyDepictions of Jax Justun Studios have finally been created for all of you guys for the first time ever!!! Even nearly the almost ending of the summer and July of 2024!!!! And yes, as you may have noticed by now, I made not just one, but FOUR official and ACTUAL #JJSparodyDepictions for the first four parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series One of 2018!!!!! Yep!!! Four parody-like creations in just one day alone!!!!! Now that's a new record!!!!! I think?????
Anyways, the first and second ones are of course, both "Mr. Glumpty Plant" and "Larr", and the reason why that I'd created their fan-made-like depiction's because they're both of course best friends and they've been like that since like forever and ever!!!!! And then there's the third and fourth depictions for none other then both "Jeffrrey" and "Gridget", the two-lovebirds of Jax Justun Studios!!!! And yes, the reason why that I'd chose them's because they're both of course, officially two love-birds in one sight!!!! Let's also not forget that both Jeffrrey and Gridget are also officially related to each other because they are both known as brother and sister!!!
And what's really interesting about both Jeffrrey and Gridget's depictions is that, I had decided to use different types of colors!!! Like blue and two types of yellows!!!! And the way how I got those official colors were from their official and not so great fan-made parody game headers!!!!! Anyways folks, that's all for now!!!! I only made four today's because I just don't want to get too overboard with all of this stuff and everything!!!! Anyways folks, see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #JaxJustunStudiosSeen6YA!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #TheTwoBestestFriends!!!!! #TheTwoLovingLoveBirds!!!!!!!