9 days ago

#JoltidayFave My favorite thing about the Joltidays is being able to give out festive stickers. I just find it fun



Next up

New video on my channel coming soon

So, I made a video on my YouTube channel where I discuss Christmas with Freddy's and Together Again: A Christmas Story. Come check it out here!


Wonder what's hiding in the darkness

Starting off the Halloween spooky season hype early with a Brand New Sticker pack!

Drop a Charged Sticker on ANY of my posts to grab a pack!

and so it begins

Big thank you to Nintendo UK for hooking me up with a copy of Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door & this beautiful DIY #PaperMario Diorama that I just about managed to put together 😅🔨 I look forward to checking out the game 👍 #nintendoswitch #gifted #ad

Big thanks for over 100 likes on this video! I’m glad people are enjoying that type of content I’m making

Have a holly… Jolly… Christmas

The Imperial March


Sum Doodles:54

Took the weather affectors 21 days to finally send snow to my place of residence