1 month ago

Joy-Con's Fun Land Part One Remastered I Guide


Hello There! This is a in depth guide for the FNaF Fangame Joy-Con's Fun Land Part One Remastered!

Main Game:




Office: Router:

The Router is located to the far left of the office, at the top left, you can view the router percent. when the cameras become low quality, or if the bar meter depletes, reset it. On later nights the router sometimes will randomly fully deplete to 1 bar. On the desk, there is a plug which can be removed to reset the router, disabling the camera system. when unplugged, it will begin to recharge the router back to 5 bars.

Office: Radio

The Radio is located on the desk to the right. It is used to avoid Joy-Con Jack. If used too much it will stop working, preventing you from avoiding Joy-Con Jack if he comes to the Ticket Booth.

Office: Ticket Booth Window:

The Ticket Booth window is the window located front and center of the office. When a animatronic comes to the ticket booth, do their mechanic to get rid of them.

Office: Ticket Booth Light:

The Ticket Booth Light is to the right of the Ticket Booth Window, It can be used to either, view what is in front of the Ticket Booth (useless since every character can still be seen without it) or avoid a certain character.

Camera System:

The Camera System plays mostly like the Graveyard Shift at Freddy's camera system.

Camera System: Alarm:

The Alarm, also plays like the Graveyard Shift at Freddy's Version of it.

Character Mechanics: Night 1:

Joy-Con Jack:


Starts on the stage, eventually reaches ticket booth. Play radio when he arrives at the ticket booth to avoid him.

2nd Mechanic:

Back Door:

On the camera behind the ticket booth door, Jack has a change to appear there. he has 2 phases. One where he is just in the room, and one where he is standing at the door. When he is seen standing at the door, use the Alarm button located at the top right of the camera system.

Joy-Con Greg:


Starts on the stage, eventually reaches ticket booth. Hold Ctrl to stand still to avoid him. (does NOT come from back door)

Dock N' Screen:


Keep the music bar from fully depleting to avoid him on the camera behind the ticket booth.

Night 1:

The First Night, as per usual with FNaF games/fangames, the easiest.

Night 1: Strategy

ALWAYS stay on the Back Door camera, and from time to time reset the router.

Night 2:

No new characters introduced on this night, basically just Night 1 but somewhat harder.

Night 2: Strategy

Same as night 1, but reset the router more often.

Character Mechanics: Night 3:



Will start in the Backroom. Has 3 phases in said Backroom until he exits. Once he exits, you will hear a robotic noise that says "Come Find Me." upon hearing this, you must search the cameras to find Joy-Endo. Once found, use the alarm on him to reset him to the Backroom. Sometimes, when he comes out of the Backroom he will make no noise, and then you will hear a robotic running sound as he rushes to the ticket booth. When at the ticket booth, hold the ticket booth light on him to avoid him.

Night 3:

Harder than the first two nights, adding a new character, and increasing the difficulty of all characters once again.

Night 3: Strategy

Stay on the Back door camera unless Joy-Endo plays hide and seek. and reset the router only if it fully breaks down, Joy-Endo is animated during hide and seek, so quality is not needed to notice him.

Night 4:

Basically Night 3 but harder, not much to say about this one.

Night 4: Strategy:

Same as Night 3.

Night 5:

Night 4 but harder.

Night 5: Strategy:

Same as Night 4, but much quicker.

Character Mechanics: Night 6:

(coming soon)

Night 6:

Adds (i think 3 new mechanics)

It also adds Golden Joy-Con.

Night 6: Strategy:

Keep Cameras always on Golden Joy-Con and only change it from time to time to check on Joy-Con Jack and if Joy-Endo plays hide and seek.

Story: (will be finished last)

The game starts off with a newspaper, the newspaper reads:

Restaurant Hiring!

New Canada Restaurant is now hiring people to guard the restaurant during the night (12AM - 6AM) Cameras, Alarm system, Window light. Restaurant joint has been opened for 8 months, and now they are adding new robots to the establishment! special discount on the Joy-Con's FUN LAND burger combo along with the pizzas!


Once the newspaper fades, you are thrown into the game. You must find the key in the backroom and use it on the ticket booth back door to progress.

Phone Calls:

Night 1:

"Hello... Hey, so you're the guy that applied for the job, yeah that's great... So I assume we must introduce ourselves first, hello Mister Wilson I'm Blake. I'll be you're guide for half of the week, you should know how to handle the job by the third day, anyways...

You got some expensive equipment that we're installed recently in the establishment because of... Safety, reasons. But don't be much worried about the dangers, I'm sure you'll be over control by the end of this pre-recorded call!

Night 2:


Night 3:


Night 4:


Night 5:

No Phone Call.

Night 6:

No Phone Call.


Custom Night:

Custom Night: Extra Characters:


Extras: Extra Characters:



Next up

Main menu screen (demo version)



Rat Race Production Update

Demo game over screen & actual game over screen

(they are different because the demo is more ominous than the full game)

thank you guys so much