Mate - Koala - Gets right in your face and screams
Skipper - Kookaburra - Laughs right at your face, this laughter can be heard if checking on a room which Skipper is inside even if you cannot see him.
Nipper - Tasmanian Devil - Jumps at you as Foxy does in the second game
Boomer - Kangaroo - Grabs the Nightwatcher by the neck and then stuffs him into the suit (the suit stuffing isn’t part of the jumpscare since it goes black)
Bonzer - Platypus - Walks in plain sight of the cameras then hides, once hidden he goes into another room when the cameras are off of him. He is also known to approach the cameras and give a slight jumpscare that way, since you can turn the camera on while he is in the middle of this cycle.
Ace - Dingo - Runs down halls like Foxy then jumps at you
Strewth - Emu - She runs down halls like Foxy then springs up right in your face like Withered Chica
Sheila - Possum - She just gets in your face and screams
Bitzer - Blue Heeler - Opens and closes his jaws while snarling aggressively
Beaut - Goanna - Runs down halls like Foxy and opens his mouth real wide during the jumpscare like Beaut was going to eat the guard.
Crikey - Crocodile - Quickly springs up opening and closing his mouth quickly
Cockie - Cockatoo - Pops up and squawks loudly
Echidna - Just simply approaches you (for now…)
Frill-Necked Lizard - Pops up in front of you with the frill down and soon after the frill extends and he hisses right at your face
Wombat - Pokes around the corners and screams
Red-Back Spider - Climbs walls and can cover cameras in the haunted house areas with webbing which needs to be cleaned off