FNaF 2 Night of Misfits

4 months ago

Just a balloon boy



Next up

showbiz pizza place



This Comes From Inside.

The game has been delayed due to high competition for remakes. So I will switch to other, more promising projects for the time being

Игра отложена из-за высокой конкуренции на ремейки. Поэтому на время я переключусь на другие, более перспективные проекты

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

The final version of what the Interface and overall style will look like in the seventh night (which will take place in the warehouse before the animatronics are dismantled)

Jolly 3.5

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

FNaF 4