3 months ago

Just found out what Alfreds Playhouse is...


Nsfw topics/SA/Self harm/Necrophilia/Zoophilia/White supremacy/Racism/Homophobia

Read at your own risk

This is something I found while doings research on mental issues. I found part one and went down a rabbit hole. This is a perfect example of why giving fame to the wrong person is dangerous. I do not suggest going to find it yourself it's very graphic and crude. Alot of Nazi symbolism is shown through out. But that's only a given as it came out on New Grounds a website that glorified those things. The main character Alfred Alfer is a victim of SA (might I add he's a dog) and has DID (dissociative identity disorder). And on top of that his "Playhouse" is just him dissociating from his reality. He says he's in seak of pity from others to the point of cutting his leg open and going to a public place so people will pity him. He says in the perspective of someone else looking at him "Poor Alfred. I feel so bad for you." While saying this he is mutilating his leg. It all comes together at the end when one of his alternate personalities comes and stops him from reliving his trama of being assaulted by his old owner. This personalitie is Dictator Alfred or Pickles the name Alfred I'm guessing pushed a away with his trama. Because Pickles seams to be Alfreds real name or at least a nick name as in the only flashback to his abuser. That is the first time he is called Pickles in the series. So Pickles chews out Alfred for dissociating and letting him take the abuse. They call the male part he was violated with a "popsicle" and Alfred dissociates when he hears that word. And the series ends with Pickles taking full control of Alfreds body while he stays inside his imagination. The creator Emily Youcis was SAd by her father while her mother was in hospital. But Emily says Alfreds Playhouse was not a vent but she constantly contradicts her statements so it's actually unknown what this show was to her. After that Alfred showed up in a couple of shorts one of them being literally just Alfred having sex with himself. After that she would announce that she was working on an Alfred movie so she could finally kill off the character. She said she was working on it in her free time in college. After this Alfred showed up one more time in Alfred The Creator after one of her favorite musical artists Tyler The Creator. But the video is just porn. Note I didn't really know where to put this fact so I'll add it here. Emily is a very talented singer and all her videos have songs that match the meaning of the video. Also something I neglected to talk about his the decaying mental health of Emily with any other post just be gibberish. The Alfred movie was named "American Alfer" which was posted out of order onto New Grounds. The movie is 10 times worse then the short show. And very graphic to the point of absurdity. The movie being about Alfred putting himself into the internet to become the most loved cartoon dog necrophiliac porn star. Necrophilia if you didn't know is having sex with dead bodys. Which is exactly what the movie opens on. Alfred having sex with corpses. Might I add since attending college her animation has gotten much better. After the corpse fucking we cut to Alfred note here he is one of his alters a little girl. Driving the car is a black hound named Labby. This character comes from one of Emily's friends Jimmy screamer calws. His movie was called "Where The Dead Go To Die". And it's quite infamous and something I'd rather not talk about now as I believe I've passed one hundred words. But Alfred is actually in that movie and for the first time 3D. I watched an hour and a half movie for him to show up for actual seconds because I went down a rabbit hole. Anyway a day of my life I won't get back aside. Labby says he has a big surprise for Alfred. Labby drops Alfred off in a field and drives away. Alfred is shocked by this and starts desperately trying to find someone to help. He comes across a watermelon and it turns out it's alive. Alfred stars to vent to the watermelon and it says Alfred should try alcohol. Pickles shows up to say Alfred will be alone forever and he should return to the Playhouse. Alfred decides to listen to the the watermelon and go to a bar full of dead people. And the entire scene is a visual drug trip. That I can't fully understand nor explain. When Alfred wakes up we are introduced to Lucifer one of Alfreds alters for a second time I failed to mention he was in the Alfred The Creator short. Lucifer is the necrophiliac alter of Alfred and at this point in the movie Lucifer starts to have sex with all the dead bodys in the bar. Might I add none of the bodys move unlike last night. Once that's over Alfred walks to an old run down building with a bag in hand. The voices in his head putting him down. Once you see the interior of the building it's clear Alfred is back at the Playhouse. Dictator Alfred/Pickles says Alfred won't remember any of this and that we the audience is watching him and shocks Alfred. When Alfred wakes up he sees Labby who says to bring the bag downstairs or else he'll get the "popsicle." Alfred trys to follow what Labby says but his toys and other things inside the Playhouse stop him. Eventually Alfred connects himself to the internet. Watching his shorts and replying to comments. Then suddenly the movie switchs to 3D with a much better Alfred model then Where Dead Go To Dies model of him. Then Alfred enters his Playhouse but now it's a circus tent. Inside people praise Alfred. And Nazi imagery and oddly Donald Trump support is everywhere. Before the movie just ends. Alfred shows up one more time for a short and that is the end of Alfred Alfer. But while doing all this research I had to dig deeper and find out what was wrong with Emily Youcis. It seams she was on a metal decline. She started asking people to send her Alfred porn. Which is odd because the characters entire existence comes from the fact he was SAd. At one point she went to Fur Fest and was humping people in a Alfred onesie. I hope the people in the video consented to this shit but it's weird ether way. At some point she gained an obsession with Donald Trump as she shared her political views. Hence Donald Trump flying with Alfred at the end of the movie. She started to share her super right wing pray the gay away ideologies with her gay friends. Obviously and understandably they cut ties with her. At MAG Fest 2016 during an animation panel that actually included Hazbin Hotel creator Vivsipop. As well as Smiling Friends creator Chris O'Neal. And Topspin The Fuzzy the creator of many Game Grump animations. Emily was invited onto stage. And I can't tell you if she's drunk or having an episode or both. She would quickly make everyone in the panel uncomfortable by screaming and cutting off other people. And giving advice to Vivsipop saying she should make porn so she can have a more successful career. Saying the TV show Mr Pickles stole her story for Alfred. Even asking an audience member if they hate their mom. And if they do they should Hire someone to kill their mother and rape their now dead mother. And just like every panel the entire thing was recorded the full two hour panel is on YouTube. And in general the panel was just shit in every way. After finishing the movie Emily stopped posting on New Grounds and got more political. Going to Trump rallies and getting into fights. When asked if this was part of another art piece she would say no that these are her real political views. This all eventually tured into her becoming a white supremacist. Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse. Apparently she didn't have a place to live and left the internet fully. It seams the times she shows up now is on actual Nazi podcast to share her opinions. She tries to justify her white supremacy by saying she was picked on and bullied by black people for being white. But in the same breath said the n-word so fuck her. Even if she didn't type the n-word it would still be fuck her. It's just more fuck her because she said the n-word. She made a comic asking other white people to "save" their race from black people and white women are ready to reproduce so more white baby's will come into the world. Apparently she has two children with a Neo Nazi like her. She says she always had these beliefs. Which I don't buy as her Favorite artist is Tyler The Creator a bisexual black man. As well as most of her animation being a tribute to black rap culture. In the end Emily Youcis was a scared teenager who ran to the internet after being SAd. And she eventually got caught in an eco chamber of horrible things. It's clear she wanted validation so when she saw people telling her she was a perfect white person she probably wanted to keep that feeling. Not to mention starting your internet presence on New Grounds. A website that at the time was horrid. And it's most popular game was Picos Shcool a game making fun of a real school shooting. Many people who were SAd or have DID say the original three part Alfreds Playhouse makes them feel validated. While some others say it shouldn't popularize vent art. And I understand both sides. And I always say separate the art from the artist. But just because you separate it doesn't mean throw it away. Remember who you're praising when saying Alfreds Playhouse is a masterpiece. Because while going through this rabbit hole I did realize that it was a masterpiece an amazing piece of work from a disgusting evil woman. Many people like me have decided to separate Alfred Alfer from Emily Youcis. I would like everyone to learn from Emily Youcis. If you need help find it. Don't run to the arms of random people on the internet for help. This all stated from one YouTube search for mental issue information and tured into one of the most interesting days of my life. I watched hours of content and lost a lage portion of my day. But it was kinda worth it. Emily's story is such a scary one being trapped with her thoughts. And she can go to no one for help. And she's going to pass down those ideologies to her kids. If you learn anything from this story learn this. It's ok to not be ok it's not ok when you do nothing about it like a miss Emily Youcis.



Next up


Alistair = It's fucking pronounced ALISTAIR


Have another Ivan drawing 🤲 uhmmuhm I LOVE HIM 👹👹

+ Velcro


Whoever can tell me all their names will get a drawing of whatever they want

GIVING ADOPT! (Pending) (another)

How to get?


Design - ! (as in, character for character only if i like the design!)

Art - ! (as in you draw me one of my ocs! PICKY!!)


I neeeeeeed

Here's a shit ton of old art did I get better? XD

small doodles in white board

These orphans are looking for homes will you take them in?

Tell me who you would like to adopt

A orphan for a art trade

Water mark will be taken off after payment

Facts about the orphans