
3 years ago

Just in case anyone else had that question



Next up

Live Steaming a first impressions of Debt Money and Death Book 1 demo by @CUPCAKEMANS

Check out the game for yourself :

I should probably fix this... but it's kind of adorable


GUIDANCE will be receiving some significant new content before the year is out!

Starting with some updated artwork! The thumbnail and banner for the game have been completely remade!

Follw here :

Further deets 👇

Have you ever misinterpreted a graphic in a video game?

I thought the orange things, that look like they are locked in cages, were birds, until this NPC cleared my doubts xD all because of the sound of the birds together with the music.

I've decided that rather than putting a ton of effort into a side story demo, I'll instead focus on updating the main game, and re-releasing the Part 1 demo (which I planned on doing anyways)

I'll upload a video in the coming weeks about the demo

I'm EXPOSING GUIDANCE !!! That's right, he didn't believed me (probably did a spelling mistake lmao)

and i'm gonna show the truth to everybody

In the meantime, Pack 9 is a FUSION of the packs suggested by @HOWDIDIDOTHAT and @GrenkaDev

That's not exactly what I'd originally planned, but I think this is more fun so you'll let me get away with it

(won't you?🥺)

No characters yet, but some I'm planning to include would be Myself, Alicia, the GUIDANCE cast, Cassey from Clossure, and perhaps some others? Though I think those would have my work cut out for me lol

Exploration number 2, after a full morning of digging this cave seems to be bigger than expected.

This month, I'm having my top 3 supporters @HOWDIDIDOTHAT @55berk69 @GrenkaDev decide which LEGACY STICKER PACK to bring back for June!

I want each one of you to pick three packs you'd like to come back in the comments.