3 years ago

just wanted to remind you all that every kel meme is canon



Next up

hey guys school is out


marvel spidemrna 2 marvel spiderman 2 marvel spiderman 2 marvel spiderman 2

🏏 Happy Birthday Aubrey!! 🏏

[ Art made by Nui Konoito ]

THE NED OF TWO ONE SIX???????????????????????????????????????

Abbi piggy skin concept

hey guys its me 216 back with a quick announcement regarding the goat luigi

ok guys so i accidentally searched up luigi lush instead of luigi plush and WHAT THE FUCK THERES AN OFFICIAL SHOWER GEL PRODUCT FOR LUIGI AM IGONNA SMELL LIKE HIM WHAT

I made some drawings of me and my friends in a sorta omori style idk im not that good at mimicing it (i used this for the dialogue box screenshot https://ransu-ll.github.io/Omori-Dialogue-Generator/)

i can relate