Five Shifts at Los Pingüinos'

25 days ago

Kawazaki's AI

Fun Fact: Kawazaki was the first enemy coded, that led to his code being outdated though, so during the Development of 2.O, a lot parts were recoded.



Next up

If you ever feel useless, remember this exists

Made this for Fun Today

The game will get Thropies in the Extras Update

also some news, the Minigame won't be in this update, there will be a seperate Update with it, I decided to do this as to not drag out the Development of this Update. I hope you all understand.

Every shadow is a caution.

Updated Screenshots for the Game Page.

These will replace the current ones when 2.0 releases.

Freddy got an update!!!

Hello everyone, today, I want to proudly present to all of you, my Magnum Opus, Five Shifts at Los Pingüinos 2.0!

Out Now! -

Thank you all for 50 Gamejolt Followers!

It really supports the growth of this game.

As a celebration, here's a Teaser for the Extras Update of FSaLP.

Chica got an update! And she finally has her own instrument!!!

I still kinda miss the numbers FSaLP had on Scratch, I still hate Scratch Team for taking it down