version 1.0.0 from version 5.1.0 Why? because I consider this update to be finishing, polishing and fixing. so this is the final version of it all. The game will still have updates from time to time but it's only for bugs. Thank you for your attention changes: - fixed title screen error - now you don't have to read very fast because everywhere I added another dialogue after clicking C - changed sprite when sonic talks to tails in GHZ. for which thanks @WheatGuy356
Next up
Christmas update is out :)
( Merry Chirstmas! )
We are geting closer and closer, stay safe, and don't be home alone :) #DailyChristmasThings
December 13th :) ( article for exact date )
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
halloween version of sonic episode this week :)
This quest showed for 30 mins and dispeared
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
i just changed icon of the game beacusme... NO REASON, and i know i updated game las time 7 montchs ago...