2 months ago

[lazy art / LORE]

So thanks to Canilloki I have he's exe the lore of that exe I didn't like it so I will change it

(read article)

In a long time ago Nintendo was on the best moment so they decided to make a new game so that comes super mario 64 but there's a character called "cianme" this character was like a Ai in the game you can ask anything and buy on he's shop but one day a random guy ask to the AI if he can think he's self and then the character finally know it was used just for asking so cianme changes he's name and turns into like mario but more animal just like this and now "the character" is trying to escape to the game just for kill he's own creator


Credit to Canilloki for the art

Anyways that all I hope you guys like it



Next up


Before I leave can you support this account?

There's is he's user name @clait242 just support him as the same as me

Me be like :

New thumbnail!

I miss them

88 rings in my cash


Were 50+ on Mario's Madness Community LET'S A-GOOOO

fan art inspired by one I saw on @KniteBlargh 's profile😺



For everyone on gamejolt